From a Fan – Another Call Shot That Wasn’t 1932: Babe Ruth and BRC fan, Ira, reached out to us with this cool fact that he discovered on a vinyl record from 1969. Read his story below:
Dear Babe Ruth Central,
I thought you might be interested in hearing about another less-famous Babe Ruth “called shot” home run that teammate Waite Hoyt had mentioned during an interview on the long-playing record album “Babe Ruth – The Legend Comes To Life”, narrated by Curt Gowdy (see album cover attached).
Apparently, an extra-inning regular season baseball game (either 1923, 1924 or 1925) between the New York Yankees and the Chicago White Sox was likely going to cause the team to miss a 7:30pm scheduled train ride taking them back to New York City. Herb Pennock and Mike Cvengros were locked up in a pitcher’s duel that had lasted 12 innings thus far and the team still had packing to do.
At the top of the 13th inning, Yankees secretary Mark Roth, who was on the road trip, called out to manager Miller Huggins and said, “Hug, if the game doesn’t end this inning, we’ll miss our train. What’ll we do?”
Babe Ruth overheard Roth’s plea and laughed out loud, “Ha, ha… Don’t worry, Mark ol’ keed, we’ll make that train!” He then went up to bat and clouted the game-leading four-bagger; Pennock held the White Sox scoreless in the bottom of the 13th inning and, indeed, the Yankees did make that train.
– Ira
Thanks for sharing Ira! If you have a Babe Ruth or baseball history-related story that you’d like to share, we’d love to hear it!
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