Babe Ruth & Lou Gehrig Comedy Album

Babe Ruth & Lou Gehrig Comedy Album

Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth Batting Cage

Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth Batting Cage

Babe Ruth Central recently discovered this cool recording online of the Babe and Lou having a conversation and “taking shots” at each other to entertain and humor their fans. It was recorded after the 1927 season. There aren’t a lot audio recordings of Lou Gehrig out there which makes this clip pretty special. In addition, fans would enjoy their banter – a reflection of the good relationship they had at times. It also gives people a sense of the time period in which they lived and the type of content that people may have found funny or entertaining. Enjoy baseball friends!:

If you’re interested in hearing more of the Babe, we have a brief clip in our Kid’s audio/video section, where Babe is re did later in life when he was asked about the Called Shot.

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