Babe Ruth’s Daughter Turning 100!

Hey BRC Fans!

On July 17th, 2016, Julia Ruth Stevens, Babe Ruth’s daughter, will become a centenarian.  Julia has been invited as a guest to visit multiple baseball teams to recognize her upcoming birthday, including the Boston Red Sox (where she threw out a first pitch), as well as the Vermont Mountaineers, a member of the New England Collegiate Baseball League.   Check out some pics and video from this past weekend:

Julia Ruth Stevens with friends and family members, celebrating her 100th at Fenway park

Julia Ruth Stevens with friends and family members, celebrating her 100th at Fenway park

Tom Stevens and Mandy Stevens Dandro escorting Julia Ruth Stevens to the field.

Tom Stevens and Mandy Stevens Dandro escorting Julia Ruth Stevens to the field for her first pitch.

Here’s a video of the event in Montpelier, Vermont where the Mountaineers presented a team jersey with Babe Ruth’s number 3 on it to his daughter Julia to celebrate her 100th birthday at Recreation Field:

And the celebration isn’t over! This coming weekend, a number of Babe Ruth-related super fans and experts are coming together in Julia’s hometown in New Hampshire to participate in her 100th birthday party. We’ll be sure to post pics of her big day.

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