This Day in Babe Ruth History – April 18th

Hello BRC Fans! Today marks a very significant day and milestone in Babe Ruth history. 90 years ago today, on April 18th, 1923, the original Yankee Stadium opened to its fans for the first time. Fittingly, the first game played in Yankee Stadium was against the Boston Red Sox. Ruth broke in the new park by hitting the very first round-tripper in his new home. According to Ruth’s daughter, Julia Ruth Stevens, that first home run in Yankee Stadium was one Ruth’s most prized baseball moments. The stadium would soon be known as the “House That Ruth Built” and continued to be known as such until its doors closed at the end of the 2008 season. To learn more about the “House That Ruth Built” and its first openning day, visit our Legacies section of the site.

To recognize Babe’s impact on Yankee baseball, as well as his role in making Yankee Stadium a “cathedral” to baseball, a number of Yankee-related committees (The Committee to Commemorate Babe Ruth, HistoryOfTheYankees, and the Committee to Commemorate Old Yankee Stadium) have come together to appeal to the Yankees organization, as well as the city to consider the following requests:

(1) Naming the Historic Site of Old Yankee Stadium “Old Yankee Stadium Park (or Fields)”.

(2) Naming the New (presently unnamed) Main Baseball Diamond at this same Legendary Location “Babe Ruth Memorial Park”.

(3) A Statue of Babe Ruth – at Babe Ruth Plaza, Facing “Old Yankee Stadium Park”.

They have also developed a video mantage with pays tribute to the stadium, as well as many of the great Yankees who played there. Thanks to those organizations responsible for putting this together! You can view the video here:

What do other fans think? Should the 3 bullet proposal get passed?

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